Intellectual Property – The Brain of Your Business™

Your intellectual property is the driver of your success. This is true whether your business is small or large, purveys goods or services, is in technology or the arts, sells to retail consumers or other businesses, or is local or international. Investing in the legal protection of your intellectual property rights therefore is vital to your continued success. At Zarin & Associates we know this. But we also know that you do not want the cost of this investment to erode the hard earned profits which are the reason your business exists in the first place. Zarin & Associates therefore offers superior and highly sophisticated legal representation in all intellectual property matters related to trademarks and copyrights, whether simple or complicated, at the lowest cost possible. We can do this because, over the more than two decades we have been representing clients in intellectual property matters, we have become extraordinarily familiar with, and knowledgeable about, the landscape of trademark and copyright law as it relates to many different industries. We have become very efficient at providing all types of legal services relating to these complex areas of the law.
To provide clients with cost predictability, Zarin & Associates offers some non-litigation services, such as agreement preparation, on a flat-fee basis. In order for you to determine whether Zarin & Associates is a fit for you and your business, we also do not charge for an initial consultation.